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Department of Information Technology

Viva Engage

Viva Engage

Viva Engage/Yammer is a private social network that helps connect with colleagues and share information across work teams. Only collaborators can join, ensuring that communication on Viva Engage/Yammer is secure—only individuals from MENDELU can view it. After logging in, you can also access the desktop version of Viva Engage/Yammer.

In 2023, the service was renamed from Yammer to Viva Engage.

  1. Yammer - First Connection to the Enterprise Social Network
  2. Enter the address into your web browser and log in with the same credentials as for the University Information System. Note: The password must not be older than September 1, 2012
  3. In the upper left corner of the page, select "Microsoft services list" and choose Viva Engage.
  4. When first launched, select the language in which the application should run...
  5. Check or correct your personal details and affiliation with MENDELU.
  6. You can add colleagues and join groups of interest.
  7. In the last step during the first launch, you can upload your profile picture.
  8. Now you are successfully logged in and can use the enterprise social network.
  9. You can update personal information in the settings.