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Department of Information Technology

DIT services

What We Do?

  • We take care of the conception and development of information and communication technologies
  • We manage agenda, economic, study, or library information systems
  • We operate and manage the university's websites
  • We ensure the operation and development of the university's wired and wireless computer networks in most organizational units of the university
  • We ensure the smooth operation of dozens of university servers, oversee the university's access system, and assist in reporting studies and research
  • We provide methodological support to faculty IT administrators
  • We repair and purchase computer equipment
  • We provide direct service to end-users, university-wide and rectorate workplaces
  • We represent the university in partner organizations (CESNET, EUNIS CZ, KC VVŠ)

Our activities arise from Rector's Regulation 08/2023: Structure and Content of the Activities of Rectorate and University-wide Workplaces (in Czech). We provide services for students, employees, institutes, faculties, and the wider public. You can learn more about documents and forms here (in Czech).